Learn how to spark curiosity with interactive read-aloud experiences, discover tips for selecting texts and ideas to extend the learning beyond the text.
A quick step-by-step plan to guide you to use The Year We Learned to Fly by Jacqueline Woodson to create a connected read aloud-shared reading book experience.
Read alouds and ideas that you might try as you build relationships and help children feel connected to the people in their school and the new friends in their classrooms.
A spring text set about wishes and a few picture books to plant in your classroom that will grow your students’ thinking about the value of libraries, books, and stories.
Looking for ways to ramp up your read aloud experiences? Remember to E. N. G. A. G. E – Elevate, Notice, Gather, Ask, Guarantee, and Enjoy!
“I love Benny and Penny books, do we have any more?” It was January when I finally heard those words from Noah, one of my most reluctant first-grade readers. Luckily, I was able to answer, “Yes!” and we rushed right over to the graphic novel basket to gather the other books in the series. A graphic novel basket? In first grade? YES! and YES! Since I discovered that TOON comic books that are perfect for my primary-grade learners, I’ve hooked many readers who gravitate toward this genre. So, like all of the other genres I share with my students, I teach them what they need to know to successfully, and joyfully, read these books.
Mid-year techniques to help you stay rooted in evidence-based practices of read aloud and supported independent reading.
Read to discover picture-book inspired ways to give the gift of experiences!
Refocus your energy on what’s important. Here are some one-day teaching resolutions to get you started.
Are you looking for ways to streamline your instruction and save instructional time? Consider three small changes that will positively impact students' learning as we transform literacy teaching to support them in meeting higher standards.